55 South – Franklin, TN

If you are visiting Franklin, Tennessee make sure you venture down to the historic section of town. The area has been rejuvenated over the years and is thriving with shops and restaurants.IMG_4090

One of the places that I checked out was 55 South. This restaurant has a rustic feel with brick walls and reclaimed wood accented throughout. They have a beautiful wooden bar that caught my attention as soon as I walked in.


Their menu is loaded with dishes found in New Orleans, gumbo, po’boys, red beans & rice and my ultimate favorite chargrilled oysters. I was not expecting to see these on the menu. Needless to say I was excited and I knew exactly what I was going to order.


They came out nice and hot, still sizzling from the grill. I couldn’t wait to dive into them. The chef put his own twist on these – he used a garlic-lemon butter which added some zing to each bite and they were still topped with parmesan cheese, which is my favorite part. These oysters were made so well that I decided to order a second dozen.


I was so full from two dozen oysters that I did not get a chance to try anything else on the menu. So naturally I will be planning another trip back so that I can see what else they have to offer. Or type to get on their Oyster Wall of Fame!


Check out their website at: eat55.com
