Fritz – Vancouver, Canada

On a visit to Vancouver, Canada I discovered a little hole in the wall place called Fritz. All this place serves is fresh cut french fries. DSC04200

You can get them plain or with different toppings. This is where I was introduced to Poutine for the first time. Classic Poutine is fries topped with cheese curd and brown gravy.


It’s a wonderful treat. The fresh cut fries are made with sweet tasting potatoes. The cheese curd is creamy but has a mild taste that complements the brown gravy that is nice and salty. The best thing is the cheese curds do not melt fast so there are nice chunks in every bite.

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I never expected to find this on my trip but was excited that I did. I may not be able to find Poutine in the states, however, the ingredients are simple so that it can be made at home.

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If you are in Vancouver and want to try a great snack, make sure you stop by Fritz.



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