Galaxy Diner – Bridgeport, CT

Located on Main Street in Bridgeport, Connecticut is Galaxy Diner. You cannot miss it, with the classic diner look on the outside. When I pulled up the parking lot was almost full. Luckily there was one spot left in the back of the parking lot. With the temperature rapidly dropping outside I was looking forward to getting some warm comfort food.

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As I expected from a diner, the menu was large. It was hard to determine what to get. I decided to go with one of their daily specials – Yankee Pot Roast. The sound of that made my mouth water.


The dinner started off with a cup of their homemade matzo ball soup. It was a nice salty chicken broth with a giant matzo ball. The matzo ball itself was light which was great because it did not fill me up to fast.


Next out was a really nice garden salad. I ordered blue cheese dressing which I could tell was homemade because of the huge chucks of blue cheese. I needed to cut it up with a knife.


Finally my pot roast came out. They gave a very generous portion on the plate. The meat was so tender I could pull it apart with my fork. Smothered on top was a great brown gravy. It was the right amount of added saltiness to the meat. To accompany the pot roast were potato pancakes. These potato pancakes were very different from what I was expecting. They reminded me more of hash browns. They were great to use up the leftover gravy.


For the vegetable I went for the cucumber salad for something different. It was a fresh taste of dill – similar to pickles.


This meal was so filling that I ended up not having room for any dessert. So if you are looking for some classic comfort food on a cold winter day, stop by Galaxy Diner. Visit their website at


