Day 4 (continued) – Cliffs of Moher

A visit to Ireland needs to include a trip to the Cliffs of Moher ( The views are supposed to be spectacular and awe-inspiring. Unfortunately, on the day of our visit it was raining extremely hard. It was so windy it felt like a hurricane.

The rain was not going to hold us back. We walked to the top of the lookout where O’Brien’s Tower was located. It was built in 1835.

Though it was very foggy over the water and we could not see far, we were at least able to see part of the cliffs and the water below.

It was amazing how the winds were howling and pushing the water upward, instead of down.

There is a wonderful museum that guests can walk through and learn all about the cliffs.

There is a fun 4D movie that runs every 2 minutes. It takes a birds eye view of the cliffs and adds a few surprises as you watch. It is worth watching.
