Day 5 (continued) – Dublin, Ireland

We made it back to Dublin because the weekend traffic got too bad. We got all checked into the hotel and said goodbye to Mike and Ella. This was the end of the Exoticca portion of the tour. However, we still had the rest of the afternoon and all of the next day to enjoy the city on our own.

We decided to head back down to the Temple Bar area. We enjoyed this area from our tour and wanted to spend more quality time there. The area is filled with restaurants and bars to check out.

We really wanted to visit the The Temple Bar. This famous bar is set up with cameras inside and out that live stream everything that is going on. They have live bands playing amazing music, you can’t help but want to dance.

You must get a pint while you are there, even though you will pay a little more for it.

Once we were done there, we continued to walk the streets to explore the nightlife of Dublin.



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