Jameson Distillery, Dublin, Ireland

We were very excited to be doing a tour of the Jameson Distillery. If you love whiskey, I highly recommend this tour. (jamesonwhiskey.com/en-us/visit-our-distilleries/jameson-bow-street-distillery-tour/ )

The tour started with a welcome cocktail.

There were 3 options:

  1. Jameson – neat
  2. Jameson & Ginger Ale
  3. Jameson Orange and Sprite

The Jameson Orange mixed with the Sprite was astounding. I never knew they made orange whiskey. I was sweet and the Sprite added the right amount of bubbles.

As we enjoyed our cocktails, our tour guide, Sean, was sharing an Irish story, which was very entertaining. The Irish have a long history of storytelling.

It was our turn to start the official tour. We went into an auditorium, where we gathered around a screen table. The guide began telling us all about the history of the Jameson family and the business. The history impressive they way they kept records and really helped create a community that was able to better themselves and their families. The presentation was incredibly high tech.

We moved on to the next room on the tour. This is where we went through the fermentation process. This portion of the tour was very interactive. There were different phases where we got to touch and smell different things. It was so interesting.

The final room was the best room. This is the room where we got to do a whiskey tasting. They walked us through each of the three samples, pointing out the notes we would taste and smell.

  1. Jameson Crested – this has notes of sherry, chocolate, and spices; this bottle is not available in the states.
  2. Jameson – the original has floral notes with hints of vanilla and sherry.
  3. Jameson Black Barrel – this has notes of vanilla, toasted oak, and spices.

After the tasting was over, we got to check out the gift shop. We were able to buy the Black Barrel that was an exclusive barrel that we were able to bottle ourselves at the distillery.

We were able to create our own label and to sign the registry book. Each bottle is numbered for this specific barrel. We will be a part of Jameson history forever.



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