Whale’s Rib – Deerfield Beach, FL

Nothing tastes better than fresh seafood, and what better place to enjoy it than within walking distance to the beach. This is where Whale’s Rib is located. I had driven by this restaurant for years and never stopped in. What a mistake that was. When I finally went in I realized I had been missing out on some great dishes for years.



Let’s start with the lobster bisque; most places I’ve had bisque at only offer a slight presence of lobster – but not here. This bisque had large chunks of lobster meat mixed in the creamy broth. I was only disappointed that I ordered just a cup.


My server recommended I order the “Whale Fries” which are their homemade potato chips. They were thinly sliced and fried to a perfect crisp. They came with a dipping sauce called “Whale Juice”. This was an awesome sauce that is there secret recipe. It was so good I really wanted to know what was in so I could try making it at home but I was not able to convince my server to tell me.

The sauce was so good I got extra and added it to my lobster salad. If you love lobster then this salad is for you. Much like the bisque, there were large chucks of lobster meat that was sweet tasting. I swear I had to have an entire lobster worth of meat on this salad.


So if you’ve worked up an appetite after swimming in the Atlantic, stop by Whale’s Rib for a great lunch. www.whalesrib.com



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