Arno – New York, NY

New York has so many restaurants. To anyone visiting it can be extremely overwhelming. I have been coming to New York for years and I still find it challenging at times. It is very easy to go back to a restaurant I have been to before. However, part of the fun of traveling is trying new places. That is exactly what I did this trip. I was hungry for a great Italian meal so I checked out Arno. They have been serving homemade Italian for over 20 years.


I got there right at dinner time but it was probably a little early in terms of a New York dinner time. The bar was not very full however, within an hour the place was packed. It was a good thing I had a reservation.


In glancing over the menu there were several things that sounded wonderful. I had changed my mind a dozen times. In the end I knew whatever I tried would be great.

While making my final decisions, I enjoyed a glass of Riesling. The taste was the perfect sweetness.

I also enjoyed some of their fresh made breads. The taste of the bread made me even hungrier.


I started off with the tortellini soup. It was a simple soup, flavorful chicken broth with cheese tortellini mixed in. I enjoyed this because it was simple. It was a great starter because it was not heavy or extremely filling. This is a soup I would be interested in replicating at home.

The main dish I had decided on was the Scaloppine all a Cardinale. They used veal sautéed with white wine, prosciutto, mozzarella, and roasted peppers.

The plate came out with three large pieces of thin veal. The veal was so tender I was able to cut it with a butter knife. The cheese, prosciutto, and peppers were layered on top. That combination of ingredients were full of flavor. However, when that all got combined with the white wine sauce the flavor was elevated to another level. The sauce had a buttery essence that helped make the veal melt even more. I was so glad I chose this dish. I could not stop eating it.

Thought I had eaten a large dinner, I still needed to leave a little room for dessert. Who could pass up desserts when it is displayed so beautifully on a cart right in front of you. Each choice was perfect for sharing.


The cheesecake was a must try, especially since I was in New York. It came with fresh berries on the side. The cheesecake was extremely light and fluffy. It was not as dense as other cheesecakes I have had before.

The other dessert I tried was the Napoleon. It was layers of fresh cream custard and crispy pastry. It was difficult to cut without all the custard squeezing out. But it was necessary to eat the custard with the pastry. The pairing was wonderful.

Arno offered an amazing Italian feast. Everything I tried was wonderful. I would for sure go back in order to try one of the other dishes I was considering.  Check out their menu and get hungry yourself at



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