Harry Waugh Dessert Room – Tampa, FL

After enjoying a wonderful steak dinner at Bern’s Steakhouse. I had two options for dessert. I could either eat there at my table in the restaurant or I could head upstairs to the Harry Waugh Dessert Room. Naturally I went upstairs for a unique experience. Luckily, we had a reservation, otherwise we would not have been able to get in.

We were seated in a semi-private space. It was intimate enough for small groups without making you feel like you are closed in.

Their menu was filled with dessert and dessert like cocktails. I orders one of each. The actual dessert was shared with the table.

The specialty drink I ordered was called Dreamsicle. The drink was vanilla ice cream that was blended with orange juice, orange liqueur, and a splash of Valencia orange vodka.

This drink was rich and creamy. The orange flavor was extremely impactful and paired with the ice cream perfectly. It truly reminded me of a creamsicle/dreamsicle that I would get from the ice cream man in the summer.

For dessert, as if the cocktails weren’t enough, I ordered the King Midas. This was a nut infused carrot cake. The moist, spicy cake was topped with a Macadamia Nut ice cream and a slice of thin chocolate. The ice cream was sweet, and the nuts gave it a unique flavor that paired well with the nutty carrot cake. As the ice cream melted, it got soaked into the cake, which made it even more moist.

I am so glad that I went to the Dessert Room for dessert. It was the best way to end my evening.

If you want to learn more about the Dessert Room check out the website for Bern’s Steakhouse: www.bernssteakhouse.com
