Casa Portuguesa Pastel de Bacalhau – Lisbon, Portugal

While walking around Lisbon, I kept seeing signs for codfish cakes. They looked interesting, and since the Portuguese eat so much codfish I figured this had to be good.

The shop I went in to had a snack of a cod cake stuffed with Serra cheese. Serra cheese is made in the mountain region of Serra da Estrela. It is a sheep’s milk cheese that is soft and gooey when melted in the middle of the cod cake.

The cod cake was a blend of chopped up fish and mashed potatoes. It was similar to the jamon croquettes I had in Barcelona.

When I took a bite the melted cheese blended with the creamy texture of the potato fish mixture. After a few bites the flavor became very rich. This is wen I took a sip of the port wine that came with the cake.

I never knew that there was a white port wine. The port was sweet but complemented the savory and salty taste of the cod and cheese. It was a very nice balance. It was the perfect evening snack.

They made a beautiful presentation by serving the cod cake and port on a little wooden tray that was similar to a paint palette. It was a souvenir along with the wine glass that the restaurant gave us.

We had a wonderful time here. This is a must try if you are in Lisbon. Visit their website at



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