Bruxelles – Dublin, Ireland

If you want some traditional Irish food, check out Bruxelles. Originally established in 1886, it was called The Gafton Mooney until 1973.

We walked in and there was a soccer game on all the TVs, so the place was packed. Because we were there to eat, the waitress actually asked some patrons to move from a table to the bar since they were just drinking. It was really nice, and the patrons had no issue moving. They were really friendly about it.

I ordered the Bruxelles Seafood Chowder. This was one of their signature dishes. The creamy white wine broth contained huge pieces of Alaskan salmon and cod, and muscles (still in the shells). It was rich but not too heavy.

They served Guiness soda bread on the side. If you have never had soda bread before, it is bread that is prepared without yeast. It usually just has 4 ingredients: flour, baking soda, salt, and buttermilk.

This one was unique because they added Guiness beer into it. It made the bread a dark color. It had amazing flavor – almost like a pumpernickel. I ate a lot of different soda breads during the trip but this was my absolute favorite.

A great way to enjoy the chowder is to wash it down with a pint of Guiness beer. Interesting fact I learned, Guiness in Ireland has a lower alcohol content than in the States. And it does taste different, it is not as heavy.

One the side we munched on Truffle Mayonnaise and Parmesan Fries. Another great dish to enjoy with Guinness.

Check out Bruxelles located on Harry Street ( )
